2021 Is A PIWD Election Year! [Updated]

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While there hasn’t been a lot of fanfare (such as web site postings), the 2021 PIWD election is planned for Saturday, June 19, at Hope Brown Center, from 8am to 1pm. Democracy is not passive… please vote if you are eligible.

PIWD board members serve 4 year terms, but the terms are staggered such that there are elections every two years. The terms for the following board positions are expiring, according to https://www.portsmouthri.com/218/Prudence-Island-Water-District:

Board Member – Currently held by Phil Brooks, who is unfortunately not eligible for reelection, having sold his property on Prudence Island. Chuck Bear has turned in a nomination form and should appear on the ballot; others may be written in.

Clerk – Currently held by Chris Brown, who is rumored to be running as a write-in for reelection. Mike Sheehan is also willing to serve if he wins by write-in.

Treasurer – Currently held by Ann-Marie Lockwood, who is rumored to have filled in nomination papers and will be on the ballot for reelection; others may be written in.

If you, or anyone you know, is running as a write-in candidate for a board seat, please consider letting us know in the comments, or via the contact form. That way, we can update this article and help people get familiar with their options.

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